Talking Points

By Hal G. Lohr


Answering the Frequently Asked Questions of the California Independence Movement

The Work Toward California Independence Has Value

There’s a question Californians need to ask that goes “what’s the downside?” of efforts to empower a California democracy over the US bureaucracy as we fight for California independence. Other than failure anyway. For the movement, It’s an honest question. Why do so...

There Is No Border Crisis

  On Monday JUNE 7, Former senator and Californian, Vice President Kamala Harris gave a speech in Guatemala, telling would-be immigrants from Central America “do not come” to the United States. A bluntly imperial statement considering that decades of U.S. foreign...

California’s One-Year Population Decline

California’s one-year population decline has some wondering if the Golden State has lost its luster… Fucking really? Since 1963, California has been and continues to be the most populous Nation state in the country. But, even with everybody whose got an opinion...

Biden’s Democrats Are Not Coming to Save You

California!... Grow up, Biden’s Democrats Are Not Coming to Save You. The Democrats are in power in Washington again…. Whoopy. Why do Californians wanna pretend like this makes it all better. Like the last 4 years didn’t happen, and even though experience taught us...

Florida Man Signs Trumper Tantrum Legislation

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday, May 24th signed a law to give Florida the power to penalize California social media companies for "deplatforming" policies designed to reduce violent & racist internet political content. Note: Red Star Report is still here!...

Donald Trump is Outlining a New MAGA Manifesto

Tonight’s theme for Voices of the California Nation is…Independence or Submission… In what could be a disturbing Calexit comic book style development for an occupied California, if we remain part of the United States that is… Donald Trump is outlining a new MAGA...

America Can’t be Fixed.

One of the most pervasive arguments we make in the Movement for California Independence is… America… can’t… be… fixed. No matter what Republicans & Democrats say. No matter what the media says as it relies on the DC Circus to put clowns on your TV night after...

What Does America Actually do for California?

What Does America Actually do for California?

Name a benefit that Californians receive from being part of the USA that Californians don’t pay for anyway. I’ll wait. But I’d bet you can’t think of one. Let’s face it. The U.S.A. is a taker, not a maker. California is a donor state that pays in much more than it...

California in a Divided America

California in a Divided America

Today, as Californians, we face the dawning realization that as long as we remain Americans, our California values will never matter. No matter how 40 million Californians feel about any social or political issue, the rest of America simply doesn’t have to care. No...

HelloRed Star Rebel!

The fight for the heart and soul of California is gearing up. The United States is actively working against California and her people. They are taking away rights from California's women, people of color, and LGBTQ community. To keep this from happening, we need to break California away from the United States and Red Star Report is on the front lines.

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