by Hal Lohr | Talking Points
One of the most pervasive arguments we make in the Movement for California Independence is… America… can’t… be… fixed. No matter what Republicans & Democrats say. No matter what the media says as it relies on the DC Circus to put clowns on your TV night after...
by Hal Lohr | Talking Points
After years of denials of any such relationship the former CIM media organization YesCalifornia announced that it had been working continuously with a man named Louis Marinelli. A man who’s stated priorities are the de-unification of the United States for the sake of...
by Hal Lohr | Talking Points
I know, I know, in California independence circles we usually talk about legal secession through Constitutional means. The path we’d like to walk to a free California nation always goes the same way. Californians vote to secede through either the initiative process or...
by Hal Lohr | Talking Points
Look, It’s not a secret. I am an honest California secessionist. I have argued for years now that California would be much better off as its own separate, free, and independent country. I know that being part of the U.S. is detrimental to the land and people of...
by Hal Lohr | Talking Points
What Does America Actually do for California? Name a benefit that Californians receive from being part of the USA that Californians don’t pay for anyway. I’ll wait. But I’d bet you can’t think of one. Let’s face it. The U.S.A. is a taker, not a maker. California is a...
by Hal Lohr | Talking Points
California in a Divided America Today, as Californians, we face the dawning realization that as long as we remain Americans, our California values will never matter. No matter how 40 million Californians feel about any social or political issue, the rest of America...
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