We Are Red Star Report

Red Star Report is  the Media Wing of the California Independence Movement. We work with other groups in the California Independence Movement to fight for California values and to free California from the tyranny of the United States and its government.

Our goal is for the Republic of California to once again be a free and independent country.

Red Star Report YouTube Channel

The Red Star Report YouTube channel is a weekly-ish show that hits the failing United States hard to show that California can– and should– be an independent country, while also showcasing what’s right with our amazing nation-state. We have segments on activism, California books and authors, California’s Indigenous People, and more. 

You can view our latest episode, and subscribe to our channel here. 

Latest Posts

The latest news from California, the California Independence Movement,

and independence movements around the world.

Why Should California Secede from the United States?

California Values are NOT THE SAME as American Values

The American Government is TAKING AWAY the rights of Californians

U.S. Congressional leadership consistently FAILS to defend legislation that is in California’s best interest.

California PAYS MORE in taxes to the US Government than it gets back

California has LESS REPRESENTATION in Washington D.C. than smaller states

The United States is  FREEFALLING into fascism, a direction California must not be allowed to follow

The United States  backs  corporate interests. It DOES NOT CARE about what actual people want and need.


Answering the Frequently Asked Questions of the California Independence Movement

HelloRed Star Rebel!

The fight for the heart and soul of California is gearing up. The United States is actively working against California and her people. They are taking away rights from California's women, people of color, and LGBTQ community. To keep this from happening, we need to break California away from the United States and Red Star Report is on the front lines.

You can join us in the battle by subscribing to the Red Star Report email list. In our weekly-ish newsletter we will:

*Help you keep up with the latest CalExit news

*Show you what you can do to help California and our journey toward independence from the United States

*Let you know when new Red Star Report videos and website content is released


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