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-California Independence Movement Organizational Links-

Independent California was founded in 2019 to be the grass roots organizers and activist faction of the “California independence movement”. Independent California is a growing and diverse organization with chapters across California, and a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization.

Independent California Institute is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt think tank (EIN 83-1377726). We conduct research and educate the public on greater self-governance for California. Independent California Institute – (

California National Party Seeking to build a stronger and more prosperous California through local political empowerment, protection of individual rights, and encouraging social responsibility to maintain a rational, respectful, peaceful, and sustainable society.

California Freedom Coalition Is a California non-profit, run by Californians who live in California and are proud to call it home. We lobby, rally, research and fight for the rights of all Californians. We promote nonviolent actions to establish the country of California using legal and constitutional means. We are non-partisan and represent ALL Californians from the Bay Area to the Central Valley to Southern California and the Northern Counties. We have more than 20 chapters throughout the state. CFC (


HelloRed Star Rebel!

The fight for the heart and soul of California is gearing up. The United States is actively working against California and her people. They are taking away rights from California's women, people of color, and LGBTQ community. To keep this from happening, we need to break California away from the United States and Red Star Report is on the front lines.

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